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Providers & Employers

Our Careers Policy and Programme has been carefully devised to ensure aspiration and challenge for our students.

All year groups will have access to a wide selection of career activities either through our PSHEE programme (Years 7-9), a dedicated weekly session (Years 10 to 11) and through the Life Skills programme (Post 16) and other opportunities through their journey whilst they are at West Kirby School and College.

We are fully committed to offering a full and impartial careers education to our pupils' pathway to adulthood. West Kirby School and College is open to offers from any employer or external provider who would like to come and speak to any cohort.

Please see our Provider Access Policy, Career Policy and Entitlement Statement, please click on the buttons below for more information. 





Are you an employer?

West Kirby School and College is keen to develop links with local and national employers in order to provide the best opportunities for the young adults that we teach and support.  

Our pupils are capable, have ambitions, dreams, and they want to be part of the work force of the future.  Unfortunately, low employment rates for disabled people, especially those with learning disabilities and autism, show a significant problem called the disability employment gap.  Recent stats from December 2023 reveal only 4.8% of adults with these disabilities are employed across the UK. This highlights the urgent need to tackle barriers to inclusion in the workforce.

Engaging employees and employers with pupils is crucial. Giving pupils opportunities to engage with the world of work breaks down these barriers.

Employers play a key role in creating inclusive workplaces and providing meaningful job opportunities. By working with pupils, they contribute to the future workforce by shaping a more inclusive future workforce. Partnership between employers and educational institutions can create pathways to employment that are diverse and accessible for all, driving positive change in our communities.

How you can help...

Whilst we know that time is money and we understand that employers with external and internal pressures of their business, we would appreciate it if you could offer any support for our pupils.  As an employer, you can offer various opportunities and initiatives to provide our pupils with valuable experience in the workplace. Here are some suggestions:

  1. Structured Work Experience Program:

    • Customised Roles: Design roles that match the abilities and interests of our pupils. These roles can involve tasks that are manageable yet provide a meaningful contribution to the organisation.
    • Supportive Environment: Ensure there are support systems in place, such as mentors or job coaches, to assist pupils in navigating the workplace and understanding their tasks.
  2. Work Shadowing Opportunities:

    • Observation Days: Arrange days when SEND pupils can shadow employees in different departments. This allows them to observe various job roles and understand workplace dynamics without the pressure of performing tasks.
    • Role Models: Pair pupils with employees who can serve as positive role models, providing insights into their career paths and daily responsibilities.
  3. Mentorship and Buddy Systems:

    • One-on-One Mentorship: Establish a mentorship program where each of our pupils is paired with an employee who provides guidance, support, and advice throughout their work experience.
    • Buddy System: Implement a buddy system where a peer employee helps the pupil integrate into the workplace, assisting them with day-to-day activities and social interactions.
  4. Interactive Workshops and Skills Development Sessions:

    • Skill-Building Workshops: Organise workshops focused on developing specific skills such as communication, teamwork, time management, and problem-solving, tailored to the needs of our pupils.
    • Interactive Activities: Conduct activities that involve practical, hands-on learning experiences, such as mock interviews, team-building exercises, and role-playing scenarios.
  5. Career Exploration and Q&A Sessions:

    • Career Talks: Host sessions where various employees discuss their job roles, career paths, and the skills required for their positions. This helps pupils understand the diversity of careers available.
    • Q&A Panels: Arrange panel discussions with employees from different levels and departments, allowing pupils to ask questions and gain insights into different aspects of the company and industry.
  6. Inclusive Internship Programs:

    • Short-Term Internships: Offer short-term internships tailored to our pupils, providing them with hands-on work experience in a supportive and inclusive environment.
    • Progress Monitoring: Regularly monitor and evaluate the pupil’s progress, providing feedback and adjusting the program as needed to ensure they gain valuable experience and confidence.
  7. Real-World Business Challenges:

    • Problem-Solving Tasks: Present pupils with real-world business challenges and encourage them to brainstorm and propose solutions. This fosters critical thinking and innovation.
    • Feedback Sessions: After presenting their solutions, hold feedback sessions to discuss their ideas and provide constructive criticism.

We would appreciate it if you could implement any of the above suggestions for our pupils.  By creating an inclusive and supportive environment that allows our pupils to gain meaningful workplace experience and interact with employees and employers effectively.

How we can help you as an employer:

Working with our staff and pupils can help your organisation to:

Offering work experience or work shadowing opportunities to students can provide various benefits to UK employers. These advantages can range from enhancing a company's reputation to fostering future talent.

Here are some key benefits:

  1. Talent Pipeline Development:

    • Future Recruitment: Engaging with pupil allows employers to identify and nurture potential future employees. It helps in building a pipeline of talent that is already familiar with the company culture and operations.
    • Skills Assessment: Employers can assess the skills and potential of pupils, making it easier to identify those who might be a good fit for future roles.
  2. Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR):

    • Community Engagement: Offering work experience demonstrates a company's commitment to the local community and its development. This enhances the company's reputation as a responsible and caring employer.
    • Positive Publicity: Actively participating in educational initiatives can generate positive media coverage and enhance the company's brand image.
  3. Employee Development:

    • Mentorship Opportunities: Existing employees can develop their leadership and mentoring skills by supervising and guiding pupils. This can be an important part of their professional development.
    • Job Satisfaction: Employees often feel a sense of pride and satisfaction in contributing to the development of young people, which can improve overall morale and job satisfaction.
  4. Fresh Perspectives and Innovation:

    • New Ideas: Young people can bring fresh perspectives and innovative ideas to the workplace. Their input can be valuable, especially in areas like technology and social media.
    • Diversity of Thought: Having a diverse group of people, including students from various backgrounds, can enhance creativity and problem-solving within the company.
  5. Cost-Effective Resource:

    • Short-Term Assistance: Pupils can assist with projects or tasks, providing additional workforce without the long-term commitment or cost associated with hiring full-time staff.
    • Low-Risk Trial: It offers a low-risk way to try out potential future employees in a real-world setting.
  6. Enhanced Recruitment Efforts:

    • Employer Branding: Being known as a company that supports pupils development can make the organisation more attractive to top talent.
    • Campus Recruitment: Strong relationships with schools and colleges can facilitate better access to graduates during recruitment drives.
  7. Regulatory and Compliance Benefits:

    • Meeting Government Initiatives: Supporting work experience programs can align with government initiatives and educational policies
    • Fulfilling Apprenticeship and Training Requirements: It can also help fulfil any industry-specific apprenticeship or training requirements that may be in place.
  8. Networking Opportunities:

    • Educational Partnerships: Developing strong links with educational institutions can lead to fruitful collaborations and partnerships in research, development, and other areas.

Any requests need to be passed through Mrs Shallcross, or ring the school on 0151 0151 632 3201



West Kirby School and College, Meols Drive, West Kirby, Wirral, CH48 5DH

0151 632 3201