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Post 16 Provision

Head of Post 16 - Mr Hulme

Welcome to Post 16 - Our semi-independent provision

Our Post 16 provision offers education for students age 16 to 19 years. It is responsible for supporting the transition from Key Stage 4 into Post 16 and the transition from Post 16 into the world of work or Further Education. We provide for continued academic achievement and the development of social skills to help prepare our students for adult life.

Programmes of Study

Our Programmes of Study have been designed to offer students a planned learning experience, that follows their preferred career pathways. They also support students in facing experiences that will challenge them and ready them for the next step of their transition. 

Post 16 operates on a timetable, based around academic learning, Life Skills and enrichment opportunities. All timetables are designed to reflect the particular needs of our students.

Students have the opportunity to study a range of academic subjects at GCSE, A Level, BTEC, Entry Level or equivalent, either as new subjects or as re-sits. Students can access many of the qualifications that the school offers, from the more ‘traditional’ GCSEs in Maths, English to Sports Leadership Aaward. Life skills is taught through an ASDAN qualification, based around developing personal, social and communication skills.

For 2023-24 we currently offer the following.:

GCSE English GCSE Maths
GCSE AS/A Level Art and Design BTEC Hospitality & Tourism
GCSE/AS Photography ASDAN Horticulture
BTEC P.E. Cambridge Nationals Computing
GCSE D.T (3D Art) GCSE & A-Level History
GCSE Graphics Duke of Edinburgh Award


Enrichment and Transition

We offer a range of activities throughout Post 16, such as work experience, college visits, taster days and travel training to help with transition away from West Kirby School.

Our aim is to support and develop confidence towards adulthood. Through lessons, activities and a variety of other experiences, students develop their skills and are prepared for more independent living, understand how to keep fit and healthy, recognise how to become positive members of their local community and are aware of the opportunities for further education or jobs in their future.



West Kirby School and College, Meols Drive, West Kirby, Wirral, CH48 5DH

0151 632 3201