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K's story

K's story 


K's story - written by Parents

Early experience before West Kirby School

Our Son was in mainstream school, he was totally misunderstood. They did not see the child we knew he was, kind , caring with a great sense of humour.  He was treated differently, he was made to feel he was “naughty” and “stupid” and “was going nowhere”. When things got to much for him, he would hide under tables in lockers etc, but teachers wouldn’t leave him alone to process the situation, they would follow and “trap him”, which made things worse.

He was denied school trips/outings as deemed  to be “high risk” even if I said I would accompany him. He had to endure the pupils and teachers evaluating the trip the next day. We had daily phone calls with what they perceived as one problem or another, we could not relax . On the day we left his school (thank goodness), I was personally told by the head teacher that “he should be locked up in a secure unit, and he was out of control”.  He was 10 years old.

Starting West Kirby School and Collage

As soon as we saw West Kirby School, I knew it was the school we wanted. It seemed to have a very friendly, caring feel. We had to gain trust back, the trust had gone. West Kirby told me “we do not lock this school”. It was not that kind of school. I am worried, I needn't have.

He has never been denied any school outings or residential trips ever, even in the beginning, totally the opposite. In fact he goes out all the time either with class to purchase the food for the café they run from his class, buy birthday cakes, go to the beach, Friday activity day, or on a one on-one with the pastoral care team. If things get too much he has a designated place he can go and be left alone.

School has given him the confidence to believe that he is valued, he is clever, he is nice and he will achieve. They see what I see, they understand him, they treat him “normally”. I don’t get phone calls now. He is happy and never off,  even mentored and buddied with the younger children. He is more resilient, has grown and matured within this environment. He has achieved his DofE Bronze, Silver, and is hoping to get his Gold next year. Our son independently goes to a charity shop and volunteers each week and is fantastic at the sewing machine - gaining his GCSE in art and textiles, also exams in Chinese, English and maths.

 Post 16

When he joined Post 16 and carried on with his study, he independently went out for lunch. He still had his struggles with work sometimes and struggled to be with too many people. He knew what he wanted, he wanted to go to college to do art, textiles and design, then get a job. He now has that belief in himself to achieve this. All this when he was written off at the age of 10. All the staff are lovely, caring and understanding and have made our life as parents a lot easier and a lot happier.


He joined Wirral Met College and settled into their Prep for Life. When he started at college, he decided that he didn't want to do Art but wanted to gain employment skills, but he left his options open.  The transition to college went well and he has made friends.

We are so proud of you K!  Well done, let us know when you decide what you want to do!


West Kirby School and College, Meols Drive, West Kirby, Wirral, CH48 5DH

0151 632 3201