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Cal's story

Cal Ruddy was with West Kirby School for 10 years. He wanted to share his journey with us:

West Kirby School helped shape who I am today. I was diagnosed with Asperger’s Syndrome when I was 8 years old after struggling in mainstream primary education. I was a highly anxious child and I was quite shy at that age too. West Kirby School gave me the nurture and encouragement I needed and I am so, so proud that I was once a student at the school.

While I was at school, I started to teach myself how to play guitar and sing. My earliest musical performances were at school and this led me to becoming a singer/songwriter.

In 2017, I was lucky enough to go on a songwriting trip to Nashville, USA. WKS held a fundraising show in Feb 2017 that I headlined with my band. The night was a great success and it was emotional to see so many teachers, staff and students past and present in attendance cheering me on.

In the years since I left school, I have performed across the UK, Italy and in the US. I have been on Radio and TV locally, regionally and nationally talking about music and performing, but also raising awareness of Autism and Asperger’s and reinforcing the positive message that just because a young person has a diagnosis it doesn’t mean that they can’t or won’t achieve in life.

I feel that if it wasn’t for the support I had growing up in WKS I wouldn’t have achieved what I have achieved to date.  I am currently studying for an Arts and Humanities degree with the Open University. Again, if it wasn’t for the support I received at school, I wouldn’t have the confidence to achieve at this level.

WKS to me, was like a big family. They want the very best for their students. I feel that attending WKS gave me confidence socially and emotionally and I had the right support in place for me to succeed academically.

Thank you West Kirby School for making me who I am today. I wouldn’t be the same without the support and guidance of the teachers and staff and the students I grew up with. 

Thank you, Cal, we're all very proud of you and will continue to cheer you on!


West Kirby School and College, Meols Drive, West Kirby, Wirral, CH48 5DH

0151 632 3201